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Naarm/Melbourne February Park Event

When: Saturday, 4th Feb, 2pm
Where: Barkley Gardens, Richmond, Melbourne

Join us for thought provoking conversations in the park! We love to bring people together and talk about sh*t that matters, we don’t shy away from taboo conversations and believe everybody has something to contribute. These events encourage you to take a small step forward towards doing the sh*t you want to do and having people support you in that.

Our events are main events are free and we want to keep them that way, as we don’t believe anybody should have to pay to access community and to engage in open conversation. We have added a new donations element to our events so that we can keep them sustainable so if you do have the means and would like to contribute to ensuring we can keep running our events feel free to donate what you can (but please do not feel obliged, only for those who know they have the privilege of a higher paid job and can afford to). You can do so via the link below.

We are community run and lead, meaning in order for us to continue we need your help. We believe you can learn a lot from your peers and that contributing to something can give you the purpose or inspo you need to figure out your next step. If you’d like to contribute your time or skillset to Millennial Crisis, do so via the “Become a facilitator/volunteer” link below. There you can register interest to facilitate this event or to show interest in sharing something with us for future - don’t worry we will train you up and give you all the tools you need to run a conversation :)

January 31

MC Bookclub: Join our 28-day book club for the month of Feb

March 4

March Conversations in the Park Event | Melbourne/Naarm