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MC Activism: Survival day - Not a date to celebrate

For 2023, Millennial Crisis knows our community wants to fight to bring down oppressive systems and is passionate about becoming better allies across the board. This Invasion Day/Survival Day we will be showing up in support of First Nations People to abolishing “Australia Day” and acknowledging it is NOT a date to celebrate.

We will be doing so in many ways, there is not one “right” way to support folk, and we understand that we are all in different situations so here are some ways you can show support:
- Join fellow MC community members in your city at a Survival Day event, please register via the form below, be sure to add which city you are in and we will group you with fellow MC members to attend an event together (you will be given information via email). Check out your local listing here:
- Donate/Pay rent here.
- Purchase an ally-friendly piece of apparel that acts as a great conversation starter here.
- Bring up difficult conversations with those you know who may be “celebrating” and engage in an empathetic and open discussion about why it’s not a day to celebrate and the significance of the day as well as the hurt our First Nations people experience. Here are some great resources:
- Join a survival day webinar, learn and show your support:

Here you can register interest in meeting on the day to pay your respects and support First Nations People, we will email you details of where we will be meeting depending on your city.

January 22

Dip into your stretch zone

January 31

MC Bookclub: Join our 28-day book club for the month of Feb